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Font Sticker Pack

Font Sticker Pack


To celebrate one year of running Alanna Munro Type Foundry, I made these stickers based on each of the fonts in the catalogue. Get them all in this fun party pack!

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A small teal Volkswagon van sticker next to a scattering of small colourful beach pebbles.
A pill shaped sticker with a monoline floral illustration and the word "Sahlia" at the bottom. It it next to a dried flower that is a little yellow ball on a stem.
A D20 next to a sticker with a backpack illustration and the text "Ready to roll". The backpack is slightly open and has a piaper with a dragon drawing and a pencil sticking out the top.
A pill-shaped sticker with a short, chubby pencil drawing in the middle. The text around the outside reads "Formulate. Model letters for young learners".

That was a neat thing, what do you want to look at next?

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